Conservative Political Organization and How to Get Involved with the GOP
I was elected a GOP Precinct Chair in March 2021 at the Chatham County Republican Party (CCRP) Precinct Caucus and re-elected in March 2023. I’ve learned a lot since then. According to the CCRP website, they believe:
Lower taxes • Honesty and integrity in government • Fiscal responsibility in government • Less government intrusion in our lives • Individual freedom and opportunity • Ending government waste • Personal responsibility • Smaller government • Strong national defense
Many in Chatham County, GA also share those values, yet we’ve lost several key elections to far-left candidates. How has this happened? One contributing factor is precinct disorganization, which has been weak in many places, including Chatham County, GA. This article is written to help conservatives get better informed and organized in Chatham County. Want to compare the differences in the party platforms? Check out this FRC Action position comparison of the Republican versus Democrat for 12 issues.
You may feel powerless, BUT
America still belongs to the people, not our woke overlords. We still have the power to defeat the left and rescue our country. It starts locally, here at the grassroots level.
Taking initiative, I’ve conducted several Precinct trainings because I saw the need for practical resources to have MORE conservatives get involved.
The more conservatives are involved, the more effective the local GOP will be in supporting conservative issues and candidates.
“With the U.S. Constitution as her bedrock, Sandy works tirelessly to improve this community. Her goal of electing citizens that value and respect our laws and freedoms is critical to stopping the downward spiral of our culture, economy and national sovereignty”
Sheryl, Conservative Chatham County, GA voter
I suggest you watch/read these resources in this order if you are new to this or need a refresher.
- Understand the Georgia political organization and the GOP structure. Read this article or watch the 6-minute video.
- Make sure you know which precinct you reside in. Check out the How to Read Your Georgia Voter Precinct Card article. Watch the 4-minute video for further help. Let me know which precinct you are in on this form, so I can help you connect with others in your area.
- Understand why you should attend and what will happen at the 2023 February 11th, Georgia Republican Precinct Caucuses (and the County, Congressional, District, and State Conventions.) Even though it is past this date, the video reviews the general concepts of what takes place.
Watch the videos:
Why You Should Attend the Precinct Caucus Meeting Sat Feb 11th (2-minutes).
What to Expect at the Precinct Caucus meeting Sat Feb 11th. (5 minutes).
Together, we can make Chatham RED again!
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